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DAILY MARKET REPORT – 19/04/2023 With the markets now finding a new area of holding pattern, typically around £1/therm for the front month, £1.50/therm for Winter on the UK Gas Market (£100/£150 for UK Power and €40/€55 for TTF Gas), the daily movements in either direction of late have been…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 18/04/2023 Yet another ‘non moving’ day in the markets yesterday as the session closed almost exactly level to the previous settlement across the board. The latest long term (and constantly changing) temperature forecast now shows a dip below seasonal normal to be expected later this week,…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 17/04/2023 Markets ended the week on a calm note, holding very much level to the previous days sessions. Finland started regular output from Europes largest nuclear power plant at the weekend after 18 years since it began construction in 2005 and is expected to produce around…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 14/04/2023 A continuation of a calm market yesterday – in stark contrast to the extreme volatility the markets were in around this time last year. The latest long term temperature forecasts show May to be at seasonal normal, however the near term picture has changed slightly…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 13/04/2023 A fairly level day in the markets yesterday as contracts hold position close to key levels seen commonly for the past few weeks now. There’s little change in the current outlook generally, with gas storage now into injection mode for the summer and a steady…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 12/04/2023 A slight uptick in near term contracts yesterday, with slightly greater increases on the longer term contracts seen in yesterdays session. Ongoing French strikes continue to disrupt the country, including the maintenance plans for the nuclear fleet. Despite the loss of Russian gas this year,…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 11/04/2023 A bearish end to the short week last week ahead of the long Easter weekend which saw the markets closed. Prices have held close to £1/therm or €40/MWh in recent weeks for near term delivery and eyes are now on how quickly storages can be…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 06/04/2023 Another bearish session yesterday to follow the previous. No major news to drive the direction, however the market remains to hold a positive outlook on supply and demand balances for the near future, helped by a healthy starting balance to the summer storage injection season…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 05/04/2023 A bearish session yesterday, unwinding much of the gains seen from Mondays session. The US and EU met in Brussels for an energy summit in which they reaffirmed the intent to combat any disruption to energy markets having last met early last year, just prior…
Tony Jordan