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DAILY MARKET REPORT – 08/03/2023 With a short spell of colder temperatures arrive, the markets showed a small upside in yesterdays session, albeit limited. After announcing an Electricity Margin Notice and potentially calling upon the Demand Flexibility Service, both were stood down whilst coal plants remained on standby. Temperatures are…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 07/03/2023 Markets started the week with an impressive downside being shown as we edge closer towards the end of the winter period and gain more confident in the year ahead. Temperature forecasts show a significant dip to be expected tomorrow (8th March), which has been showing…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 06/03/2023 Markets ended the week in bearish fashion despite some cold temperatures expected this week. Temperature forecasts show that snow is widely expected early this week in the UK. Colder average temperatures have long been expected for March – reported here many weeks ago – with a…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 03/03/2023 Markets showed a fairly level day after initially showing some upside early on in the session before retreating back to around where the day started by the close. The latest overnight temperature forecasts show a significant cold snap to be expected on 8th March, with…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 02/03/2023 Markets showed a slight upside in yesterdays session as traders react to the latest temperature forecasts for the weeks ahead, in which a bit of a cold spell is due early next week. As reported yesterday, this may have an impact on how much gas…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 01/03/2023 A continued bearish session yesterday to start the new front month contract yesterday. The International Energy Agency (IEA) yesterday said that gas markets could remain tight and potentially increase later in the year as Asian buying interest in LNG may increase. China have been suffering from a…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 28/02/2023 A bearish session to kick the week off and close out the March front month contract. The latest long-term temperature runs show a slightly improved outlook for March overall compared to views late last week, but the ‘dip’ at the start of next week still…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 27/02/2023 A slightly bullish session to end the week on Friday, as the colder temperatures arrive and are expected to stay for the weeks ahead. Prices remain relatively stable overall, as they have done for several weeks now as we start to see out the final…
Tony Jordan
DAILY MARKET REPORT – 24/02/2023 A balanced session overall yesterday with little movement in either direction. Flows, temperatures and overall general outlook remain largely unchanged which provided for a lack of direction and keeps the market in its ‘holding pattern’ for now. Today of course marks the one-year anniversary of…
Tony Jordan